The Port of Maputo, through its concessionaire MPDC, is the first Port in Mozambique to obtain certification of the APLOP Brand (Association of Portuguese-speaking Ports).
This certification reflects MPDC’s main objective of providing innovative solutions for its business partners (agents, authorities, users and others), with regard to the simplification of documentary processing – i.e. less information to be processed on physical paper and more use of technological resources.
MPDC had an approval of 4 of the 6 requirements of GIMA (APLOP Brand Interpretive Guide).
Meanwhile, MPDC is working on obtaining the following certifications : ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System; Specification for security management systems for the ISO28000:2007 supply chain; Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems ISO451001:2018 and Environmental Management Systems ISO14001:2015
APLOP is a non-profit private law association whose purpose is to ensure the defence and promotion of the interests of its members and to contribute to the development and modernisation of its ports.
Source: MPDC